Melanoma and essential oils
"My dad is using oils for the first time in his life. He is using Lavender on the sores he has on his legs and after just a few days, they are healed! His legs haven't looked this good in years!... I just found out tonight that my mom started putting Lavender and Frankincense on some cancer type spots on his ears and they have been going away and/or falling off. He had a large spot melanoma on his face last year and had to have it surgically removed, so to be able to treat these spots without them getting out of hand is so exciting and comforting for his family."
applied frankincense morning and night and covered with a band aid. In 3
days the mole had shrunk. Day 5 it bled a little and half fell off. Day
7, gone! I had a little bit of pink skin and I worried it was a scar. A
few days later, totally gone!"
husband had a stage 4 malignant melanoma removed last year from his
back...another melanoma came up on his nose...before we started using
essential oils we did radiation on that one. It has since grown
back...and we have since become educated using essential oils. He
started using lavender, frankincense, and an anti-aging essential oil blend (containing frankincense, helichrysum, lavender, myrrh, sandalwood and lavender) on the melanoma and
it is SHRINKING! Skin cancer
"Went to the Dr. today, three weeks ago he told me I had a lesion on my eye brow that was possible cancer. He told me he'd look at it in 2 weeks and to keep my hands off of it. Today is 3 weeks and there is no sign of it at all, I used the Sandalwood on it am and pm."
"I used frankincense, helichrysum and oregano on skin cancer on my ear. Within 3 months, the skin cancer was gone."
also have a dear friend who's husband has skin cancer. I gave him
samples of Helichrysum and all of the small lesions went completely
away. His wife was applying it neat on each lesion, even the open nasty
ones. He went to his Dr. who remarked that it was the best results he
had seen with the medication he prescribed. Gary told the Dr. that he
did not use the rx he had given him because it burned his skin so
badly. He told him about the Helichrysum he had been using."
had a pre-cancerous spot and it fell off within a few weeks and within
one month there was not even a trace of it. No scar. I just use a drop
of frankincense on it twice a day, before bed and before makeup in the
"I know two people that used Frankincense directly on the skin cancer and they went away."
dad is using oils for the first time in his life. He is using Lavender
on the sores he has on his legs and after just a few days, they are
healed! His legs haven't looked this good in years!... I just found out
tonight that my mom started putting Lavender and Frankincense on some
cancer type spots on his ears and they have been going away and/or
falling off. He had a large spot melanoma on his face last year and had
to have it surgically removed, so to be able to treat these spots
without them getting out of hand is so exciting and comforting for his
family." Basal Cell Carcinoma
friend's dad had basal cell carcinoma on his nose. It had gone through the
thickness of his nostril and the oncologist wanted to remove a big
section of the nostril, down to his upper lip and over a finger width
into his cheek, by the time he contacted me. I hadn't worked with cancer
before with the oils and wanted to help as much as possible. I used the
cancer protocol of 80 drops of both Frankincense and an invigorating blend, and 48 drops each of Clove, Lavender and thyme. I
suggested he take 19 drops in 2 caps 2 times/day and apply some to the
area as he felt needed. He said he did that 2 - 3 times/day. He also started using high quality supplements (Omega 3 oils, multi-vitamin and minerals),
eliminated sugar from his diet, increased water intake, ate more raw
foods and believed he could beat this. Within a couple weeks it appeared
closed, another week and the weeping stopped completely and the redness
around the area started lightening. After six weeks, that side of his
nose looked healthier than the other unaffected side!! That was 15
months ago and he has had no signs of it coming back."
Read a summary of several scientific papers that have demonstrated that essential oils, such as frankincense, myrrh and sandalwood kill cancer cells here.

The information on this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended to prevent, diagnose, or treat any specific medical condition. Please consult with a qualified physician or health care professional concerning any condition or treatment.