Sunday, January 10, 2016

Neuropathy and essential oils

Stories we have collected from people who have used high quality essential oils to support individuals with neuropathy.
So I sent my father the Cellular Complex blend capsules. He suffers from severe neuropathy of the legs, which the doctors had told him will only get worse and worse. Nothing that can be done for this, no hope of improvement. Dad hasn't felt the bottoms of his feet for 9 years! ... After two months I was about to tell Dad to go ahead and stop taking it, when he suddenly told my mother that he has started to feel his feet! He didn't tell us for a few days because he wanted to be sure this was actually happening. IT IS HAPPENING!!! Any feeling he regains is a miracle...pure and simple...and he swears by the Cellular Complex blend.
My dad is 70 and a type 2 diabetic. He had neuropathy in his legs..started rubbing Cellular Complex Blend on his legs daily and now it's gone. He does it everyday now.
I had the greatest experience today! I met a gentleman at an expo last weekend who suffers from neuropathy. ...When he opened the door he could barely walk. His right foot was the worst and he could hardly put pressure on it. We whipped out our bag of oils and were armed and ready to go, however, we could not perform the "technique" that we had planned because it required putting pressure on the foot which he could not tolerate. Simply wiping the oils ever so softly over his foot made him jump in pain. So my friend did her best to massage the oils into his foot where he could stand it and wiping them over the part that was so tender. First she applied Massage blend oil, second was Frankincense (which normally isn't used). After applying the frankincense he stopped her. He said he could actually feel it absorbing into his foot (we later realized that what he was feeling was the circulation he hadn't had in years) and finished with peppermint oil. This took all of 10-15 minutes. When we were done, he started applying pressure to his foot with his hands, then he stood up and put all of his weight on his right foot! He had not been able to do that for 20 years! It was very emotional for all of us.
My mother is 80 years old and has had cancer 3 times.  As a result she had severe neuropathy in her feet to the extent that she could hardly walk and was using a walker.  They got introduced to essential oils and she began using frankincense & Grounding blend on her feet daily...  Now, 2 1/2 months later she is walking without a walker.  In fact, they told us that she walked into the kitchen and one of her shoes was untied.  She stood on one foot and tied her shoe!!  They also told us that with the extra frankincense on her hands she would rub the back of her neck and neck. Results: scars from cancer surgeries gone-no more scarfs to hide the scarring!!  Wow!!
I met David in 2009... At the time David was on 19 medications with diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid issues and had renal failure with dialysis. It was my start of learning the importance of living healthy, how painful diabetes is and how it affects the people around and also emotions. He was unable to walk for the most part, using a wheelchair whenever I saw him....
After the essential oil technique (involving 8 different essential oils) for ten minutes on David. You could see color of his legs come back. They called the people to feel his calf and it and is was soft. David who went to the class on a wheelchair was able to walk with a steady gait without a cane because he could actually feel his steps. From that day, his family continued to do the technique and his walking improved.
David says that he walks to the park with his newborn daughter. People go up to him and ask “Weren’t that the guy on the wheelchair?” Now David looks forward to fathering his daughter, and maintaining health is beyond him but for those around him.
I did a class one evening and a woman said what do you have for diabetic neuropathy and pain. I said, Massage Blend. I put it on, rubbed up and down calf and on top and bottom of foot and around the toes that were hurting. 10 minutes later she said she could tell something was going on down there and then about 5 minutes later she said the pain had gone away. If I remember correctly the pain was gone for several hours.
I got a huge blister on my foot last week, caused by my metal brace. It is about the size of two dollar coins next to each other. By the time I noticed it, it was bleeding and a deep wound. In the past, I would go to the doctor, get some expensive prescription medication, including a special wound mesh that costs $100, and keep off of it for two months. Instead, I just used lavender oil and tried to stay off of it. It has now been a week and it looks so much better, I am amazed!!
I've had good results using rosemary and Massage blend for neuropathy.
I have neuropathy from chemo treatments. Grounding blend, cypress, Massage blend all help.
I have great success with Soothing Blend for neuropathy. It stops the pain almost immediately.
I made a rollerball with frankincense, Roman chamomile, lavender, lemongrass, helichrysum, geranium, melalueca and fractionated coconut oil for my dad who has type 2 diabetes with neuropathy. He said he hadn't been able to feel his feet in two years. He had shooting pain with burning and itching that kept him up nights. He needed the aid of a cane and was looking into a wheel chair when I gave him the oil roller. I told him to put it on any diabetic sores and on his feet 2-3 times a day. With in two days he said he slept for the first time in ages. With in a week he was walking without a cane! He says he can feel his feet again! Even the sores that were so old he couldn't remember how long they were there went away in a short time. All of his doctors are amazed.


My dad  has been using the following massage blend for neuropathy on his feet (50% blend in FCO):
- Balance
- Copaiba
- DDR Prime
- Lavender
- Turmeric
- Vetiver
I'm happy to report that he has found it to be helpful!


General recommendations for neuropathy:
  • Massage blend;
  • Balance essential oil blend;
  • Marjoram, Cypress, Peppermint, Wintergreen, Basil, Grapefruit, Lavender, Coriander.
  • High quality supplements; 
  • Essential oil treatments (involving 8 different essential oils or blends).
An additional essential oil protocol:
  • rub 2-4 drops Grounding Blend into the feet
  • rub 2-4 drops  each of Basil, Cypress, and Marjoram into one foot
  • finish with 2-4 drops Peppermint then cover with hot moist towel and perhaps a dry towel to keep the heat in for the longest time.
  • repeat on other foot.

The information on this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended to prevent, diagnose, or treat any specific medical condition. Please consult with a qualified physician or health care professional concerning any condition or treatment.