Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Alzheimer's, dementia and essential oils: stories

Below, we have collected some stories about how essential oils can support individuals with Alzheimer's and dementia. For a list of scientific studies on this topic, click here.


Note: studies have shown that sesquiterpenes can pass the blood-brain barrier. Oils high in sesquiterpenes include frankincense, sandalwood, ginger, myrrh, vetiver and ylang ylang.
My mom has advanced Alzheimer's. She takes medication daily, and while it does help in some aspects, she has had quite a difficult time these past few months. I heard some good things about Alzheimer's and Frankincense oil. I talked to her about it and she agreed to give it a try. I applied it twice on the back of her neck yesterday and once this morning. Doesn't seem like much, but this morning she forgot to take her medication. While that is not out of the ordinary, she had a really good day today! I didn't even realize she hadn't taken her am pills until tonight and I couldn't believe how stress free she and I were today. I oiled her up again tonight and sprayed some on her pillow. I apply three drops to the base of her neck and massage in rubbing upwards. I also put a dab behind each ear and for good measure, the top of her head. Tonight I put Frankincense and water in a spray bottle and sprayed her pillow and the area of her bedding that will be closest to her face.

Lavender essential oil
Sitting with my grandma today. She has Alzheimer's and is prone to crying and being very pessimistic. Today when she started getting upset I put a drop of lavender on her pillow and another on her chest. Within a couple of minutes she stopped crying and became much more reasonable/logical.

Basic Vitality Supplements
My Mom has advanced Alzheimer's disease.  She had gotten to the point where she was sitting or lying down with her eyes closed all the time and would open them when spoken to.  She wasn't recognizing my brother any more for maybe 6 months.  She had to be prompted to eat, was not socializing, was weak and unsteady on her feet.
In March we started her on Basic Vitality Supplements.  Within days, the staff were saying, you know - she seems to be doing better.  Each week we have watched her improve - with much delight! After 2 weeks she recognized my brother and with a huge smile on her face said, Oh Wow!  I haven't seen you in so long!  I asked her how she was and she said, "Fine", I said you are?  She said, "yes - VERY GOOD!"  we were grinning from ear to ear!  The following week she was strong in her legs and we didn't have to support her to walk.  She was no longer closing her eyes, she was trying to talk and she was going to the social hall.
Now, 3.5 months later, with only 1/2 dose per day, she is having great days.  She is playing bingo, eating better, strong in her body, talking, interested in working her word-find puzzles, recognizing my brother, whew!  Last Sunday, she even had communion at the church service!  And we are all so delighted at the positive changes that have taken place, with only adding the Basic Vitality Supplements to her routine.
My Mom has advanced Alzheimer’s. She has been using the Basic Vitality Supplements  for a year. She has survived a UTI, a respiratory infection and in January, a broken hip. In early February 2012 she was without the Basic Vitality supplements as I was away and I couldn’t get someone from home to take the to the facility so I finally mailed a set to the assisted living. (I think she was without them for about 2 weeks or more.) I received a call a few days later saying how much better she was now that she had the Basic Vitality supplements again. Then, yesterday I received two calls as described here: 
I received a call from Mom’s nurse yesterday. She said, your Mom is doing wonderfully. She is smiling every day and happy. 
Then, the Hospice Nurse called and he said, “Your Mom is doing so well. She is happy, strong, she can put 30% weight on her leg (with the broken hip) to help transfer to the wheelchair (no pain), and she loves watching TV and going to the activity room again. I feel those Basic Vitality supplements are making her like this, especially when we saw her decline without them and then recover quickly with them.”
My dad  started his journey with Basic Vitality supplements and has never gotten off. The first month, that's all he was on and the results from this were amazing. He had been on several prescriptions for a year or more when we started him on the Basic Vitality supplements. He continued taking the following rx's for the first month and then we started taking him off of the meds, cutting one at a time in half then eliminating them altogether. The originating meds and dosages are as follows: 10mg Namenda 2xday, .25 mg Alprazolam 3xday, Sertaline 25 mg 1xday, Enalapril 10mg.
Here's the list of oils we added to the Basic Vitality supplements regimen as noted in the chart are: Lavender, Calming Blend (3x day on both of these applied at the back of neck at base of skull), Frankincense, Sandalwood and Digestive Blend are given to him at night on bottoms of feet. Digestive Blend unrelated to dementia; helps him to not get constipation. Also, we diffuse Lavender or Serenity throughout the day as needed when my Dad's agitated, confused or gets grumpy.

Essential oil treatment
I have been working with an elderly lady who has Alzheimer’s and have had astounding results with an essential oil treatment that involves 8 different oils (Grounding blend, lavender, melaleuca, Protective blend, Massage blend, Soothing blend, peppermint and orange).  I give her one essential oil treatment a week and have been for a year now, and her husband has informed me of the progress through last year.  After 1 treatment her depression and despondency totally eased off, after 4 1/2 months she was talking about getting her drivers license back and wanting to go back to work....both of these things she was really not able to do....but I guess the thought counts as progress is made...she has not been sick even one time this last year..., and her husband is convinced that she is in the peak of health for her condition and not in a nursing home because of the essential oil treatments.

My mom's family has a long history of dementia. At 77 my mom was showing some serious signs (to the point we as her children were starting to talk about long term care, she is aware of the dementia and showing concerns also). I  saw that Melissa and Lemon essential oils were recommended. I have a little Melissa so I made a 10% solution for her in a roller bottle. She is very sensitive to citrus oils so I made a 2% solution of Lemon essential oil in a second roller bottle. She has been using it for 2 weeks. She is carrying on conversations, she is getting things done now where before she would sit and say "I know I have things to do, but just can't get them done". She is venturing out with friends again. This is very exciting for me as my mom's family has a long lifespan.
Cellular Complex blend, Focus Blend, Basic Vitality supplements, Frankincense, Lavender are a few I use for my mom with dementia. They are working and helping her.

Alzheimer's, dementia and essential oils: scientific studies

Below, we have summarized some research involving individuals with dementia or Alzheimer's and essential oils. To read some stories about how individuals have been supported by essential oils, click here.

Lavender essential oil

The International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry reports two studies using essential oils to calm agitated patients with dementia.  A placebo-controlled study that involved 15 patients in Canada reported that lavender had a modest efficacy in the treatment of agitated patients with dementia (Holmes et al. 2002), while a placebo-controlled cross-over study that was conducted in China with 70 patients reported a “significant decrease in agitated behavior” (Lin et al. 2007). 

Holmes C, Hopkins V, Hensford C, et al. 2002. Lavender oil as a treatment for agitated behaviour in severe dementia: a placebo controlled study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 17:305-308. 

Read powerpoint presentation summarizing the results of Lin et al. (2007) here.

Rosemary, lemon, lavender and orange essential oils

28 days of aromatherapy consisting of the use of rosemary and lemon essential oils in the morning, and lavender and orange essential oils in the evening, resulted in significant improvement in personal orientation related to cognitive function in Alzheimer’s patients.

Daiki Jimbo, Yuki Kimura, Miyako Taniguchi, Masashi Inoue, Katsuya Urakami. Effect of aromatherapy on patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Psychogeriatrics. 2009 Dec. 9(4):173-9. PMID: 20377818.

Melissa essential oil

In a double-blinded randomized placebo controlled experiment, at four months, Melissa officinalis extract produced a significantly better outcome on cognitive function than placebo (ADAS-cog: df = 1, F = 6.93, p = 0.01; CDR: df = 1, F = 16.87, p < 0.0001). There were no significant differences in the two groups in terms of observed side effects except agitation, which was more common in the placebo group (p = 0.03).

Akhondzadeh et al. concluded that Melissa officinalis extract is of value in the management of mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease and has a positive effect on agitation in such patients.

S Akhondzadeh, M Noroozian, M Mohammadi, S Ohadinia, A Jamshidi, and M Khani Roozbeh. 2003 Melissa officinalis extract in the treatment of patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease: a double blind, randomised, placebo controlled trial. Journal of Neurological and Neurosurgical Psychiatry 74(7): 863–866. 

More reading:
  • An article entitled "Aromatherapy for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease" summarizes additional scientific studies about this topic. The scientific studies involved lavender, lemon balm (melissa), marjoram, patchouli and vetiver. Read more here.
    • "What is remarkable is that all treatments resulted in significant benefit, including (in most instances) reductions in agitation, sleeplessness, wandering and unsociable behaviour."
  • An article in the Alternative Daily states that lavender, rosemary, lemon balm (aka melissa), ylang ylang, bergamot and peppermint essential oils can support individuals with dementia. Read more here.
  • This article recommends the same 6 essential oils, in addition to ginger essential oil. Read more here.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Role of essential oils in the treatment and management of ADHD

A semi-qualitative study performed on students with ADHD (ages 11-12) showed positive results when essential oils were used. Concentration improved and students stayed calmer, longer, and recovered quickly from upsets. There were fewer disruptions to lessons.

Several essential oils are recommended, including:
  • bergamot;
  • cedarwood
  • clary sage;
  • eucalyptus; 
  • frankincense 
  • geranium
  • lavender
  • orange
  • patchouli;
  • peppermint;
  • rosemary;
  • sandalwood; and
  • ylang ylang.
  Read the entire paper here.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Osteoporosis and essential oils

A story to share:
My mom had beginning stage of osteoporosis, She went to the doctor & He informed her that she now has only a little bit of bone loss! She has been using the Frankincense & taking the Cellular Complex Liquicaps. Mom is shocked herself in all this, but loves the way she is feeling. She is also taking less pain pills as she says she feels better and No more insomnia. She even sleeps better!