"Our cellular complex oil story... so far. My daughter is 12 1/2 and has an autism diagnosis. We home school her using the Son-Rise program. We started using a frankincense-based cellular complex mid-Feb, rolling it on her spine, diluted 1:1 with coconut oil. After a week, we started using it morning and night. The family and home team saw a noticeable improvement in her speech within a few weeks. Small things, like answering routine questions without pausing first. IE "What's your dog's name?" "Dusty" (She usually hates these sorts of ice-breaker questions from people she doesn't know.) She was using it about a month when we talked to her bio-med doctor. He was pretty excited about it, said he loves frankincense, and told us to try the softgels next time I ordered. We started taking one in the morning. By the time we had our next team meeting after that, her average interactive attention span had jumped from 21 minutes/hour (where it had been for a few months) to 31. I wondered if some of the newer team members weren't recording their times correctly, but even when I took their times out and re-tallied, it had jumped to 24 minutes per hour in 2 weeks. This past month it was even higher, and there is no denying the quicker comments and original words. Just now I tallied up the forms for our meeting tonight and it was 39 minutes/hour! Whoop!"
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